The Lure shop Manbou held my event at the end of last month.
I was surprised because 160 guests or more came.
I was not possible to speak well in the presence of people, and Deps's Pro Guide Mr.Maeda helped me.
I was able to talk with a lot of guests about Giant bass of Lake Biwa.
This event supported by Deps and a lot of Deps's commodities were offered as a prize of the game.
I exhibited the mother swim bait which I was using in the prize of the game as a premium.
Then, the elementary school student boy got it.
Maybe he will catch the world record bass in Lake Biwa in the future!
Children and guests took the photograph with stuffing at the end.
Some guests actually had it by own hand and took the photograph.
They might have actually felt the size of the bass.
At night, I went to the bar with friends who had helped this event.
It is "Toyozou" that Mr.Guide Maeda's favorite.
The master's dish was cheap, but a very delicious dish which a lot of love was put in!
Everyone happily ate supper while talking own stories of fishing.
Thank you, ALL!!!