
Lake Biwa Report On 23th, Dec

I captured it with Slideswimmer250!!
          Tackle Data
          Rod : Deps Huge Custom H3S-81RF
          Reel: Daiwa Ryoga2020H
          Lire: Deps Slideswimmer 250 (Real Carp color)
          Line : Seacret proto line


Meet in Nagoya Produced by Deps

Dec, 12
We had "Meet in Nagoya" that the event of Deps!
I met so many Deps fans and maniacal anglers there!lol
Almost people said to me "Please capture the next one!!"
I was really glad with their warm hearts.
You know, it will be hard to get next one... But I keep chasing!!
Thank you!!!
Mr.M and Mr. Maeda Pro.


66cm, 14lb

Last weekend, my friend got this with Silentkiller175 from shore !!
This is night game on Lake Biwa !!!
Come on, Huuuuuuuge one !!!

...I have to try...lol


I Won !! LOL

I won the monthly photo tournament of Bassfury and got the prize!!
Is it a foul?? LOL

Anyway, how cool this pic!
I like it!
Thanks, Bassfury!


New Supporter !!

I got a new strong supporter!!
The producer of the polarization glass, TALEX!

The sunglasses which subtilize the sensitivity of all anglers, and rouse instinct!
The sunglasses which I prepare the view where I do not lose with the point that I should cast into!!
The selection of polarization glass is important to be able to remember your impressive event clearly.

For me, it's a very stouthearted supporter!!!


Lake Biwa Report on 17th, Nov

I had been on Lake Biwa for one week.
I could understand clearly a good day or a bad day though it became a severe season for fishing.

With swimming jig of Geeclack (the test model)

63cm, 9lb!!
With Slide swimmer250 of Deps

Tackle data

Rod : Deps Huge Custom H3S-81RF
Reel : Daiwa Ryoga 2020H
Lure : Deps Slideswimmer250, biwamasu color
Line : Toray SuperHardStrong 25lb

Photographer : Mr.Maeda, Deps Professional guide of Lake Biwa


New Wepons !! ZORRO Straight Worm !!

New Release from GEECRACK !!
It seems very useful and is ideal for Texas rigs.
I like also this package very much !!


Lake Biwa Report on 21st, Oct

The climate of Japan has become cold.
I think "Trophy bass begin to move slowly..."
Then, the power of Deps Silentkiller 250 exploded !!!


Tackle data
Rod : Deps Sidewinder HGC80XR
Lure : Deps Silentkiller 250
Line : Toray Super hard strong 25lb


Deps Pro Guide Service Mr.Maeda !!!

Mr.Maeda is the most popular guide around Lake Biwa.
He is catching many trophy bass with Deps Kincoo13!!!

59cm 10lb!

51cm 8lb!

50cm 7lb!

Such a lot of bass are in Lake Biwa!!! But I can't fish easily like him ...
I respect him so much.
Please check out his website and blog!!


Lake Biwa Report on 29th Sep

5lb * 2

Kincoo 13 seems to be effective recently. 


I got NEW SKEETER's Rod!!!

The rod arrives from the SKEETER Co!!

The logo of SKEETER is described.
It is the same as my boat, very good-looking (^o^)
The price doesn't cost 10,000 Japanese yen...
How affordable it is!
The price of the rod made in Japan costs about 50,000 yen...
I want to fish Giant Bass with this.
Thank you, Mr. Phill !!!!


Lake Biwa Report On 5th, 6th Sep

I got 5lb, 8lb and 9lb bass with Deps Slideswimmer and BassProShops's worm!!

Tackle Data
Rod : Deps Sidewinder Bulletshot
Reel : Deps & Daiwa ZDV
Line : Toray Super Hard Strong 20lb
Lure : Deps Slideswimmer175
         BassProShops worm
Fook : FINA Power stage5/0


The October Edition Of Rod & Reel

The October edition of rod & reel was put on the market!
It is a feature of Swimbait lure in California!
When I went to the United States in this April, I met Mr.Jerry Rago, Rago Baits's president and the thing at that time is written in this article!

Mr.Jerry, Mike, Rafael...
I miss them and want to see on Lake Biwa next year!!
I'm looking forward the day!!


70cm Monster!!!

My guest got 70cm, 12lb monster bass !!!!

Tackle data
Rod : Deps Sidewinder Bulletshot
Reel : ZDV100HL Deps & Daiwa
Lure : Deps Kincoo 7 inch color-no.25 texas rig
Hook : Fina
Line : Toray Super hard strong 16lb

For these three years, a bass of 70cm would be captured in my skeeter every year!!

Lake Biwa Report On 5th - 9th Aug

Deps Kincoo 7inch
Deps Dethaddergrub

Deps Kincoo Texas-rig
Deps Slideswimmer

Mr.Aoki who is president of Geecrack introduced me a dealer of Souther boat in French!
I took a photo with a pretty boy!

I want to take him to fishing next time!!


Is Bass Fishing Big Business?

My friend told me,
"Nearly 30 million Americans fish for bass (Forbes 2002),
angling 467 million days per year (JDC Inc. 2006).
It’s also one of the world’s most sought after freshwater sport fish.
Bass are found in Japan, Korea, South Africa, Spain, Italy, Mexico and Cuba, among other countries. "

Oh my goodness!
How about Japan??


For Selling The Mount Of World Record bass

As many of you know I am selling the Mount of World Record Fish. This decision has taken considerable thought.
I chose to sell this record fish because I want many people to experience at least a small part of what I experience.
I often think,
"This fish is amazing and only I experience this record".
Many people are interested in this Record so I began to think more, "there is a possibility more of the world can see this fsih"

For example, if this fish was in the US, it would be exhibited in many big places and people would see what a true world record looks like. For more than 77 years no one has seen a World Record Largemouth. Only a few people were able to see Mr. Perry's World Record. I think it is time to show the World up close.
I am confident, out of many inquiries we will find the best home for the record.
I am hoping for an organization or individual that not only has a love for bassfishing but a serious passion to share it with the world.
This what our sport needs.

Please join me in my excitment to bring the opportunity to the World.
My passion will not leave me.
My hope is to capture the next record.
As many of you know I am dedicated and committed.
I hope the bassfishing world will accept my gift.
For all individuals interested in purchasing the world record fish,
We are pleased to announce Mr. David Swendseid will be handling your offers.
Please contact Mr. David (serious inquiries only).
He can be reached by email: dside7@yahoo.com.

Keep Chasing !


A Letter Of Invitation!! (*^▽ ^)/★*☆♪

I got a letter of invitation from Yamaha USA and SKEETER company!!
Wow!!!  Splendid!!!!

This is a letter of invitation to Bass Master Classic of 2011 and SKEETER company!

I can go to U.S.A. with Mr.Maeda!!
It will become the pleasant trip by all means!!
I'm looking forward it sooooooooooo much!!!!!