
New Supporter !!

I got a new strong supporter!!
The producer of the polarization glass, TALEX!

The sunglasses which subtilize the sensitivity of all anglers, and rouse instinct!
The sunglasses which I prepare the view where I do not lose with the point that I should cast into!!
The selection of polarization glass is important to be able to remember your impressive event clearly.

For me, it's a very stouthearted supporter!!!


Lake Biwa Report on 17th, Nov

I had been on Lake Biwa for one week.
I could understand clearly a good day or a bad day though it became a severe season for fishing.

With swimming jig of Geeclack (the test model)

63cm, 9lb!!
With Slide swimmer250 of Deps

Tackle data

Rod : Deps Huge Custom H3S-81RF
Reel : Daiwa Ryoga 2020H
Lure : Deps Slideswimmer250, biwamasu color
Line : Toray SuperHardStrong 25lb

Photographer : Mr.Maeda, Deps Professional guide of Lake Biwa


New Wepons !! ZORRO Straight Worm !!

New Release from GEECRACK !!
It seems very useful and is ideal for Texas rigs.
I like also this package very much !!